ACM WiNTECH has advanced to its 17th anniversary as one consolidated tradition for bringing together an important number of researchers and industry players working in different aspects of experimental wireless communications and networking. The workshop will continue to serve as a forum for sharing new ideas and experiences gathered across all experimental aspects of wireless networks and systems, such as the methodological and technical issues that have to be faced for defining, running, controlling and benchmarking experiments on wireless solutions. The workshop will also facilitate discussions of key unresolved challenges and emerging problems in the field, such as new laboratory methodologies, key real-life limitations of current and novel wireless technologies that have emerged over the past few years (including mmWave, TeraHertz, 5G and beyond, Open RAN, IoT, VLC, wearables, underwater and aerial networking, and SDN), as well as key challenges facing the wireless networking of the future.

We are particularly interested in papers describing developments, lesson-learned, and new results obtained through platforms for at-scale wireless research such as those in the US NSF Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program, the European SLICES-SC program, technical co-sponsors of the workshop, and of similar programs focused on large-scale experimentation.

We are seeking original, previously unpublished papers empirically addressing key issues and challenges in experimental wireless networking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Design and evaluation of wireless testbeds and prototyping platforms for
    1. mmWave and Terahertz communications and networking, MIMO and massive MIMO, long-range wireless communications and networking for backhaul or lower-power sensing,
      low-latency and safety-critical cyber-physical systems networking,
      high-performance PHY implementations for software defined radios (SDRs),
      communications for embedded and energy-harvesting systems,
      IoT and wearable computing,
      mobile/wireless edge and cloud computing, mobile data science & analytics,
      Visible Light Communications (VLC),
      multi-robot and vehicular networks, underwater/underground networks,
      cellular networks (5G and beyond).
  • Innovative protocols for Wi-Fi networks
  • Experiences/lessons from recent testbed deployments
  • Techniques for improving reproducibility of real-world measurement studies
  • Testbed control and management issues
  • Evaluation of large-scale and heterogeneous wireless networks
  • Measurement and evaluation on large-scale smartphone deployments
  • Real-world evaluation of cellular networks
  • Studies on real-world white-space networks, interference and spectrum measurements
  • Coexistence in unlicensed bands, including 5G/LTE/Wi-Fi coexistence
  • Experimental validation of spectrum sharing
  • Measurement and characterization (modeling) of real-world aspects of wireless networks such as usage patterns, traffic, mobility and channel characteristics
  • Experimental evaluation of localization using 5G networks
  • Experimental design and evaluation of Open RAN systems
  • Experimental collection of large-scale datasets
  • Evaluation of AI/ML techniques for Open RAN with experimental testbeds

  • Papers should contain original material and not be previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. All submissions will be judged by their technical merit and relevance to the workshop, based on reviews by the Technical Program Committee.

    Manuscripts must be submitted by using the HotCRP conference management system at Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a single PDF file with all fonts embedded, using the ACM conference proceedings format (use the same PDF formatting guidelines as the main conference). Paper length is limited to eight (8) pages (in two-column, 10-point format), all-inclusive (references, figures, etc.). Papers must include author names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the program committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM WiNTECH proceedings and will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. All papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award.

    Research Paper registration: June 30th, 2023 June 12th, 2023 (11:59pm US Pacific Time)
    Research Paper submission: June 30th, 2023 June 19th, 2023 (11:59pm US Pacific Time)
    Research Paper acceptance notification: July 31th, 2023 July 20th, 2023
    Camera ready: August 7th, 2023 August 5th, 2023
    Workshop: October 6th, 2023

    If you have any other questions regarding ACM WiNTECH 2023, please contact us at